Your networking, planning and learning have equipped you with the tools to have a rewarding time overseas. Now, you should begin thinking about life after this journey. It may seem like you are heading from A to Z before even boarding the plane, but you may want to keep your eyes and ears open for ways that this experience can provide dividends long after it is over.
Consider thinking about the following questions:
• What do I expect to gain from this athletic experience?
• How can I utilize THIS experience to further my future athletic goals?
• Are there other ways that I can harness this experience to generate additional income?
If you have not created a written plan for your athletic career, these three questions can help you develop an outline that will get your wheels turning. More importantly, it will make you aware of the small actions that you can take during your experience abroad. These measures are sure to serve as a huge springboard for accomplishing your larger goals.
For instance, your unique slant on your athletic activities abroad can peak the interests of American print and new media journalists. Notifying these sources of your experiences, whether through blogging, vlogging, interviews and cool videos, can increase the awareness of your brand in the sports industry and serve as the foundation for cross-cultural consultant opportunities.
Within your athletic endeavor, there are unlimited opportunities. A commitment of hard work and service to others can leave a remarkable impression. These actions can be as simple as showing up to trainings early or offering to let teammates practice their English with you after a practice session. Who knows the playing, coaching or goodwill offers that will stem from these actions?
Additionally, the slightest inconvenience or fascination, with a local product or practice, can be a new stream of income in disguise. Don’t just look at them superficially. Turn those complaints and new discoveries into an export or import endeavor.
Sports is a business, and as an active participant, you owe it to yourself to make the most of your international endeavor. Immerse in your new culture with the assistance of a great support network. Invest in your athletic career and your new community by sharing your skills and talents. Tap into this life changing experience to uncover larger athletic opportunities and new streams of income.
Sports In Translation is now available as an electronic download for $3.99 on Amazon.com.
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